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Tirso de Molina
| Lope de Vega

The AHCT collection of texts in Spanish

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These comedia texts are presented here for your interest free of charge. If the title of the item in which you are interested appears in highlighted form, you can access the text directly from this listing. 

Users are at liberty to use or cite the texts provided here for any legitimate academic purpose. Please contact the listowner at for details or permission to use any texts provided as the basis for performance or publication.

The texts provided are good, standard texts prepared by a number of specialists in the field of Golden Age theater studies. They have been edited from their original form for ease of electronic circulation and may not appear in a format identical to that submitted for inclusion on the homepage. Most of the texts were edited from an early imprint or imprints and, as such, are "diplomatically" edited in their present form. These texts are, therefore, not to be considered as "critical" or definitive editions but should prove adequate for most purposes to which they will be put. If you should encounter typographical errors, "slips of the finger", or problems with the HTML coding, please do contact the listowner (name and addresses above). We are sure that they do exist in spite of spell checkers and proofreading but have decided to provide the texts as quickly as possible and depend on the generosity of users to help perfect their presentation.

If you would like to help our collection grow, please feel free to donate any electronic texts that you have to the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Inc. We cannot pay for additions to the collection but will be happy to recognize your donation to this legally chartered not-for-profit association in suitable form as well as on this homepage.

Unless otherwise noted, the texts are presented here in "preformatted" text, which means that most likely they will appear in Courier font, without line numbers. Alternate formats, such as Vern Williamsen's Word Perfect editions with line numbers, are listed in sequence along with the standard formats, with an indication of the type of formatting offered. In addition to the texts listed here, this site also offers a file of the miscellaneous notes created by Vern Williamsen. You can find them by recalling the entire file or by clicking on the number following the title that refers to the section of those notes in which the information appears. These numbers are provided at each title for which there is an update note. 

The texts in English translation:

Calderón de la Barca, Pedro

Belshazzar's Feast (La cena del Rey Baltasar, translated by Denis Florence MacCarthy)
The Phantom Lady (La dama duende, translated by Matthew D. Stroud)
There Is No Trifling With Love (No hay burlas con el amor, translated by Vern G. Williamsen))

Mira de Amescua, Antonio

Gambler's House (La casa del tahur, translated by Vern G. Williamsen)

Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan

Translations of La verdad sospechosa
Love's True Lies (translated by Kenneth Stackhouse)
The Truth Can't Be Trusted (translated by Dakin Matthews)
The Walls Have Ears (Las paredes oyen, translated by Dakin Matthews)

Tirso de Molina (Gabriel Téllez)

The Balconies of Madrid (Los balcones de Madrid, translated by Kenneth Stackhouse)

Vega , Lope de

In Love But Discreet (La discreta enamorada, translated by Vern G. Williamsen)

Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Inc.