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Alonso Octavo

rey de Castilla


noble francesa, presa, hija del Duque de Narbona, cásase con D. Manrique de Lara


Duque de Narbona, francés, alférez, general, viejo

D. Diego Porcelo


D. Gastón

Conde de Fox, francés, preso


categoría desconocida

D. Guillén de Tolosa

conde francés, hermano de D. Ramón

D. Jaime

Conde de Urgel y de Manresa y Cerdania, catalán, primo de D. Pedro de Lara (En realidad el Conde de Urgel se llamaba Armengot VI en 1126.)

D. Manrique de Lara

conde = el Torneador

D. Ramón de Tolosa

Conde de Tolosa, francés


caballero francés


criada (de Armesinda), francesa, caballeriza, cásase con Tamayo


lacayo (de D. Manrique), gracioso, caballerizo


caballero francés

Da. Violante

noble francesa, hija del Duque de Narbona, hermana de Armesinda, cásase con Gastón

P. anón.: un criado (5a, acot. 3; R I, 277a, acot. 1; 137a, acot. 2, no habla); un paje (*8a, acot. 2; *282a, acot. 2; *142a, acot. 2, no habla); guardas (*9a, acot. 3; *283b, acot.1; *143b, acot. 3; no hablan; 10a, acot 5; 285b, acot. 2; 145b, acot 3; habla una); Rey de Navarra (habla 10b, 286a, 146b); soldados (*14a, acot. 2; *291b, acot.; *151b, acot. 2; hablan dos [reparto] 14b, 291b, 292a; 152a); soldados (17a, acot. 2; 296a, acot 2; 156b, acot. 2; no hablan); dos criados (reparto, uno) (*18b, acot. 2; *298b, acot.; *158b, acot.; hablan 19a, 298b; 158b, 159a); Rey de Aragón (habla 22a; 302b; 163a); un criado (habla 26b; 309b; 170a); acompañamiento (de los reyes) (*27a, acot. 2, *310b, acot. 2; *17a, acot.; no habla).


Don Manrique de Lara has left Castile because his father, Don Pedro de Lara, has been exiled by Alfonso VIII as a result of the workings of his enemies, Fernán Ruiz de Castro and Don Lope Díaz de Haro. Don Manrique, seeking the protection of Don Gastón, Count of Foix, brings a letter of introduction to Don Gastón from Don Jaime, Count of Urgel. Don Gastón decides to aid him, and tells him that he is in love with Armesinda, but her father, the Duke of Narbonne, has promised her to Don Ramón, the Count of Toulouse. Manrique tells Gastón that he is an excellent jouster and that he will fight Ramón at the tournament the following day in order to kill him and free Armesinda to marry Gastón. The following day, Manrique meets Armesinda and they are immediately attracted to each other. She knows that Gastón is in love with her and she is unhappy because she does not want to marry Ramón. Tamayo, Manrique's lackey, tells Armesinda's maid, Rosela, who Manrique is and that he is a famous jouster, but no one tells this to Ramón, who is subsequently killed by Manrique in a joust. When the Duke of Narbonne learns who Manrique is, he sends guards to capture him, but Manrique escapes. The guards capture Gastón, however, and bring him back to the Duke. In the meantime the Duke finds a note that Manrique has written to Armesinda in which he tells her that he killed Ramón so that she would not have to marry him and would be free to marry Gastón, to whom he is indebted for his friendship. He says that he had another reason for killing Ramón, but only hints at what it might be. The Duke, angry with his daughter for wanting Ramón killed, orders her to be thrown in prison.


Ramón's estate has gone to his brother, Guillén, and there are rumors that the Duke plans to marry Armesinda to Guillén, against her will. Manrique asks the King of Navarre for aid in freeing Gastón, but since Gastón is an old enemy of the King's, he offers only to fight against the Duke, another of his enemies, but refuses to free Gastón. Manrique, as a loyal friend of Gastón, will not accept these terms. Tamayo has learned from Rosela that the Duke has told Armesinda that Manrique is dead, hoping that she will forget Manrique and marry Guillén. Gastón is to be executed. Manrique sends Tamayo to Narbonne to tell Armesinda that Manrique is alive.

Armesinda's sister, Violante, who loves Gastón, tells him that she has saved his life by getting the jailer to execute someone else in his place; thus Gastón is free. She also tells him that Manrique has enlisted the aid of the King of Aragon and that the Duke is planning to marry Armesinda to Manrique at the King's insistence. Gastón is angry at hearing this, believing that Manrique is not his true friend. In fact, Manrique has gotten soldiers from the King of Aragon, but his purpose in attacking the Duke is to free Gastón.

Everyone except Violante believes that Gastón has been executed, and when Tamayo arrives Rosela tells him that Gastón is dead. She smuggles Tamayo into a chest of clothing to be taken to where Armesinda is imprisoned. In this manner, Tamayo is able to tell Armesinda that Manrique is alive. At this point the Duke and Violante come and Tamayo has to hide. The Duke informs Armesinda that the King of Aragon has written to ask for her to marry Manrique and that he has agreed. Being assured that Armesinda and Manrique are to marry, Violante reveals how she helped Gastón escape. It is clear that her plan is to marry Gastón.

Gastón has found out that Manrique has defeated Guillén and established himself in Foix. Gastón, dejected, does not know where to go. Meanwhile Violante tells Manrique that Gastón is alive and betrothed to her and that the Duke has given permission for Armesinda and Manrique to marry.


Dressed as a pilgrim, Gastón is still bemoaning how Manrique is a false friend when he hears Tamayo talking with two servants. Manrique arrives, and Gastón approaches him, asking for alms. Manrique gives Gastón a doubloon, and as they continue talking Gastón complains that some friends, like some coins, are false. Manrique recognizes him and upon hearing more accusations by Gastón that he is not a true friend, Manrique vows to prove to him, by force if necessary, that he is a loyal friend. He orders his servants to take Gastón's sword and says that they will go to the King of Aragon, not to have Gastón killed as the latter fears, but to prove that Manrique is, indeed, a loyal friend.

The King of Aragon has made an agreement with the Duke whereby Armesinda will marry Manrique and Violante will marry Gastón. The Kings of Aragon and Navarre are aiding the King of Castile in his battles against the Moors in Seville, and in exchange the King of Aragon is going to ask the King of Castile to pardon Manrique and his father. Manrique comes to the court of Aragon and tells Gastón's story, also noting that Violante deceived them in saying that Gastón was her husband. Manrique says, untruthfully, that the King of Castile has offered to forgive him and restore his lands if he will marry the daughter of the Count of Castro, so that Armesinda is free to marry Gastón. Upon hearing this news Gastón is overjoyed and exclaims that Manrique is a true friend after all.

Manrique is so saddened by his renunciation of Armesinda that he suffers a temporary madness and orders Tamayo to bury him, since he considers himself dead without her. At the same time, both Armesinda and Violante are unhappy because of Armesinda's impending marriage to Gastón. The King of Castile arrives, having traveled incognito, and the King of Aragon tells him how glad they are that he has forgiven Manrique and plans to marry him to the Count of Castro's daughter. The King of Castile is surprised to hear this news and says it is not true. The others than realize that Manrique lied to them so that Gastón could marry Armesinda. Tamayo comes and tells them how despondent Manrique is. The King of Castile agrees to forgive Manrique, and Gastón gives up Armesinda and asks the Duke for Violante's hand. Thus Gastón repays Manrique's friendship by making it possible for him to marry Armesinda. The Kings send for Manrique in order to tell him the joyous news. The King of Castile pardons Manrique saying that any friend as good as he deserves to be forgiven. Tamayo is to marry Rosela, and all is well. The play ends with the King of Aragon's statement that Manrique and Gastón are good examples of how friends ought to be.


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